jQuery.localizationTool.js is a simple localization dropdown for your one page website. Translates strings in the languages you provide. It supports RTL(right-to-left) text.
Chaffle is a jquery plug-in that allows you to shuffle randomly character.
Wodry.js is a simple jQuery plugin for a text flipping/rotating. Wodry.js allow you to set animation from animations collection, set your own callback on content flipping, etc.
Countable is a JavaScript function to add live paragraph-, word- and character-counting to an HTML element. Countable is a zero-dependency library and comes in at 1KB when minified and gzipped.
Blast.js separates text in order to facilitate typographic manipulation. It has four delimiters built in: character, word, sentence, and element. Alternatively, Blast can match custom regular expressions and phrases.
Blast's uses include typographic animation, juxtaposition, styling, search, and analysis.
TextTailor.js is a jQuery plugin for responsive text to fill the height of the parent element or ellipse it when it doesn't fit.
fontFlex is a lightweight jQuery plugin for dynamically changing font sizes according to screen / browser width. Intended to be used with responsive or adaptive CSS layouts.
Animated Tagline Switcher that loop infinitely using Javascript’s setInterval function. There are 5 effects in total: Fade, Flip Vertically, Flip Horizontally, Slide and Bounce.
Trumbowyg is a lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor.
Editor and generated code are optimized for HTML5 support. Compatible with all recents browsers like IE8+, Chrome, Opera and Firefox. It's only 15kB which means faster page loading.
TypeType is a jQuery plugin that simulates a human typing. It can be combined with jQuery animations.
highlightRegex is a jQuery Plugin that lets you highlight document text with a regular expression.
Morphext is a simple jQuery rotating / carousel plugin for text phrases powered by Animate.css
LetterFx is a a jQuery plugin to apply animated visual effects to text - letters, words & custom patterns.
LetterFx works by temporarily injecting markup into the text of an $("element")
and sequentially adding & removing transition-based CSS classes.
CurvedText is a jQuery Plugin to align text on any curve. There are some different types of curved text can be created by using this plugin.
Scribe is a rich text editor framework for the web platform, with patches for browser inconsistencies and sensible defaults.