Tabular creates data backed tables with jQuery. It includes standard table functionality such as sorting, searching, and pagination.
Table Dragger is a minimalist plain Table-dragger is a minimalist plain Javascript library for building reorderable drag-and-drop table.
A tutorial about creating Responsive Flip Pricing Table to view month or year price by using jQuery and CSS.
A tutorial about creating responsive table in Material Design concept. You can use this table in Bootstrap projects, this will override basic Bootstrap style.
easyTable allow you to sort, filter and do mutiple ways of select using shift and crtl key, allow to get the data selected easily and customize/extend the plugin.
A responsive table to compare and filter through multiple products by using css and jQuery. A time-saver comparison table, specifically designed for big online stores.
Bootstrap Sortable is a javascript plugin to add sorting ability to Bootstrap table.
A fully fledged native jQuery spreadsheet plugin, designed to look and feel like Google sheets.
It supports a full stack of spreadsheet operations, including: formulas, sorting, formatting, borders, moving rows, columns, frozen rows or columns, merging.. and so much more!
Tabulator is an easy to use table generation jQuery UI Plugin.
KingTable is a jQuery plugin for administrative tables that are able to build themselves, on the basis of their input data.
It supports client and server side pagination; client and server side search; custom filters views; automatic menu to hide and reorder columns and support for custom tools.
Build 1MM row tables with native scroll bars by reusing and yielding nodes.
StickySort is a jQuery plugin for adding sticky headers and columns to your tables, complete with an extended sorting function
Freezeheader is a simple jQuery plugin to freeze header row in html table. It's also known as fixed header table.
jQuery Tabledit is a inline editor for HTML tables compatible with Bootstrap. It is possible to edit inline like a spreadsheet or with buttons to change between edit and view mode.
jQuery treetable is a jQuery plugin that you can display a tree in an HTML table with directory structure or a nested list.