A tutorial that shows how to recreate the four tiles slideshow effect using 3D transforms, transitions and animations. The aim is to implement a smooth effect and add some variations.
SilverTrack is a jQuery plugin designed to be extensible through other plugins. It has a small core and comes with very useful plugins.
Skippr is a super simple lighter and faster slideshow plugin for jQuery.
iPresenter is a simple and powerful jQuery plugin that makes it easy to design advanced CSS3 presentations, galleries and sliders.
Minimus Slider is a minimal and compact jQuery slider. It is responsive, it comes with only a few essential parameters that can be set to fit your needs and it can contain anything (images, HTML5 videos, HTML5 audio, iframes, text, ...) but it was born to be used mostly with images.
OWL Carousel 2 is a fully responsive and touch friendly carousel for jQuery/Zepto.
New features
jQuery.nstSlider.js is a fully customizable sliders with Single/Double handles, Touch-enabled, IE 7+ Compatibility, Custom Digit Rounding, Non linear step increments!
jQuery lightSlider is a lightweight touchable responsive content slider.
Main Features
Powerange is a range slider control, inspired heavily by iOS 7. It is easily customizable, both by CSS and JavaScript.
With it's many features, including changing color and overall style, switching between horizontal and vertical style, custom min, max and start values, custom step interval, displaying decimal values, displaying icons instead of min/max numbers, it is a really powerful UI tool to use on your website.
Devrama Slider is a image slider with many features. It support both images and HTML contents.
PgwSlider is a responsive slider for jQuery / Zepto.
jQuery Slideshow is a performant and developer friendly image slideshow and content carousel plugin with support for touch gestures. 2KB when gzipped.
Slick is a jQuery responsive touch carousel that you'll ever need.
A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, markdown contents, PDF export,speaker notes and a JavaScript API.
It's best viewed in a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms butfallbacks are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere.
A jQuery and CSS3-based slider module that displays news headlines on the left along with a preview image and brief description on the right. The "current" item is highlighted and switches automatically at intervals.