JSAjaxFileUploader is a jQuery Plugin with ease of use. Fully customizable with many options. You can have multiple upload forms in a same web page at the same time and user can also select multiple files for upload.
Provides combobox as a Bootstrap component, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7).
Add Clear is a jQuery plugin that adds a input clearing button on any input you apply it to. It clears the value, and returns focus to that field.
Bootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin to show/hide password plugin for Bootstrap.
Treed wants to be for tree editing what ace is for text editing. Extensible, customizible, powerful, and just plain easy to use.
taggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system. It is less than 2.5 kb and support major browsers in the world!
Searches text in list items on the page, hides unmatched items.
Bootstrap Select is a custom select / multiselect for Bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects.
jQuery plugin to drag and drop files, including ajax upload and progress bar. The idea for this plugin is to keep it very simple. Basic javascript / jQuery knowledge is necesary to use this plugin.
CheckRadios is a jQuery plugin that is designed to allow you to fully customize check boxes and radios without using standard images and with scalability in mind.
This plugin uses vector based icons/fonts to add in the ticks and circles which allows far greater customization as well as scalability and ultimately much greater control over the check boxes and radios using css.
accounting.js is a tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting, with optional excel-style column rendering (to line up symbols and decimals). It's lightweight, fully localisable and has zero dependencies.
Stop Verbosity is a jQuery plugin that limits the amount of text that is permitted in a textarea element by replicating the maxlength attribute for the textarea.
A line of text, the indicator/counter, counts characters used or remaining when text is entered into the textarea. Once the limit is reached, there is no more text input from typing, pasting or drag and drop.
TableNav is a jQuery utility plugin providing navigation with arrow keys in a table with input fields.
Placeholdem is a JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur.
rangeslider.js is a simple, small and fast JavaScript/jQuery polyfill for the HTML5 <input type="range">
slider element.
so suitable for use within responsive designs