FSVS is a simple Full Screen Vertical Slider using CSS3 transitions followed up by a jQuery fallback.
Bound events support mousewheel, click and drag, arrow keys and touch gestures.
Bounce.js is a javascript library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations. Here are some of animation that you can do with bounce.js: scale, rotate, translate, skew etc.
Divas Slider is a versatile jQuery slider, easily and fully customizable. Fully responsive and touch enabled. Uses CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback for old browsers.
This is a nice animated custom select by using CSS3 and jQuery. CSS3 transitions and transforms are used to create this animated select.
scotchPanels.js is a jQuery plugin for easily creating off canvas menus, navigations, and other panel types such as images, videos, and iframes.
Scotch Panels are featured-packed and have a ton of different options for every skill-level to tweak and implement into almost any project. It work from any container so you can put your side navigation on any element you want.
Simple, basic and elegant CSS3 and jQuery driven fullscreen menu.
sweep.js is a small JavaScript library that enables proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces. Ordinary CSS transitions or some frameworks convert HSL colors to RGB before transitioning. sweep.js addresses this by letting you transition through the color spectrum.
Drawer is a jQuery plugin for displaying the drawer menu using CSS animations in the event of a trigger. Setting the position can be selected either the right or left. And also supports Responsive design
Meny is a three dimensional and space effecient menu. Meny works best in browsers with support for CSS 3D transforms, although it falls back on 2D animation for older browsers. Supports touch events for mobile devices.
Animsition is a simple and easy jQuery plugin used to add page transition on css animations.
Kontext is a context-shift transition inspired by iOS. It's created using JavaScript, CSS 3D transforms and CSS Animations.
jQuery.twinkle is a jQuery plugin to get the user's attention to special parts of your website with different effects and options.
Animated css boxes are can be used for multiple purposes, for example notifications, beauty and general use. There are six different animations used with great care in order to maintain awesome interface.
A tutorial on how to re-create the page preloading effect seen on the website of Fontface Ninja. CSS animations, 3D transforms and SVGs used for this tutorial.
A tutorial about creating flat shadow effect with CSS3 transform effects and jQuery.
It showcases stories each with a content panel that gives off a nice looking flat shadow. As you scroll through the website, each individual panel dynamically shifts the shadow based on where it is in your window.