JZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making animations from static images inspired in Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope.
jTPS is a datatable jQuery plugin that offers pagination, animated scrolling through pages and intelligent natural sorting capability. The development version is currently 15KB.
Skitter is a jQuery plugin that enables us to convert unordered lists into slideshows with attractive animations. The slideshow can display the list of slides as numbers or thumbnails and items can be browsed with the help of prev-next buttons as well.
An alert alternative for jQuery that looks good. Apprise is a very simple, fast, attractive, and unobtrusive way to communicate with your users. Also, this gives you complete control over style, content, position, and functionality.
Apprise is, more or less, for the developer who wants an attractive alert or dialog box without having to download a massive UI framework.
Percentage Loader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a progress widget in more visually striking way than the ubiquitous horizontal progress bar / textual counter. It makes use of HTML5 canvas for a rich graphical appearance with only a 10kb (minified) javascript file necessary , using vectors rather than images so can be easily deployed at various sizes.
jqBarGraph is jQuery plugin that gives you freedom to easily display your data as graphs. There are three types of graphs: simple, multi and stacked. All you have to do is to pass your data to this plugin.
There are a lot of settings to tune appearance of your graph, as are animation, color scheme, dimensions etc. Also, you can additionally change look and feel of graph via CSS.
Creating an image gallery with a Polaroid look is amazingly easy. With albums that will expand to sets of slightly rotated thumbnails that pop out on hover. The full image will slide in from the bottom once a thumbnail is clicked. In the full image view the user can navigate through the pictures or simply choose another thumbnail to be displayed. For this gallery 2D Transform plugin used to animate rotations.