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CardInfo.js – Get Bank Logo, Colors, Brand By Card Number

April 16, 2017     1692     Form Elements
CardInfo.js – Get Bank Logo, Colors, Brand By Card Number

CardInfo.js allows you to get the logo of the bank and brand, brand colors and etc. by card number. With CardInfo you can create a beautiful form for receiving payments from the card.

On the first six characters of the card, the bank will be determined, the form will be repainted in the bank’s brand colors, the bank logo will appear in the upper left corner. The first symbols of the card will determine the type of card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Maestro or MIR.

The database currently has 49 most popular Russian banks, soon will be added banks for United States, Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand.

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